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Island police use Coconut Press guide to answer visitor questions

The Sanibel Island police department now uses the Coconut Press guidebook "Sanibel & Captiva: A Guide to the Islands" as its official island reference book. The department issued copies of the book to each of its staff members on June 20th, so officers and dispatchers can answer the many questions they receive from island visitors.

"We get many questions about the island," says spokeswoman Stephanie Dowd, "especially about birds, alligators and snakes." When a patrolman was recently stumped by a tourist asking "Why do all the birds have only one leg?" the department decided all its employees could benefit from a thorough island reference. (The answer: They all have two legs, but often tuck one up to rest.)

The books were ordered through the recommendations of Sanibel City Manager Judie Zimomva and Lt. Jamie Phillips.

Related story:

Sanibel School kids to use travel guide to study island (12/2/02)

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